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bluidkiti 07-16-2016 07:08 AM

July 16

It's Time For Downtime

We all need a bit of downtime, and if it's getting relegated to the sidelines, here’s a reminder to reserve time for downtime.

How you use your downtime depends on what you need at that time. Nap, read, sketch or just sit and do nothing, but do give yourself the space to recover and recharge your batteries.

Carve out some time daily, weekly or monthly, perhaps plan for some downtime when you come out of a busy period or finish a big project. Just remember, downtime isn’t wasting time, so enjoy it, guilt free - you deserve it!

bluidkiti 07-16-2016 07:08 AM

July 17

Are You Should-ing?

"I should exercise more." "I should eat healthier." "I should do more." The word "should" isn't negative but the way we use it, has a negative tone.

Think about replacing "should" with something that's more encouraging and empowering. How about, "I would like to...." or "I will...."

Stop should-ing and start creating a more positive and motivating tone.

bluidkiti 07-18-2016 07:40 AM

Where Attention Goes

Where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, things grow. So, let your attention go to what is good and positive, and your appreciation will grow. And as appreciation grows, happiness flows.

Where is your attention going, right now?

bluidkiti 07-19-2016 06:26 AM

Need a Holiday after a Holiday?

Do you need a holiday, after a holiday? Yes? Maybe your holidays are too busy? Jam-packed with lots of activities? Of course, many of us want our holidays to be exciting and adventurous. But busy holidays are not necessarily restful and relaxing. Relaxing and taking it easy; isn't that what holidays are about?

What works for you? What do you find renewing; so that you return feeling refreshed, without needing a holiday after a holiday!

bluidkiti 07-20-2016 07:08 AM

Three Fingers Pointing Back to You

You've heard the saying, "When you point one finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing right back at you." When we point at another’s shortcomings and wrong doings, and blame the other person, the three fingers pointing back at us remind us to look at ourselves.

Reflect on your own shortcomings, your actions and in-actions, and take responsibility. Recognize the other person's input in what went wrong and deal with the situation constructively. But we can do this without pointing the finger at someone else and playing the blame game.

bluidkiti 07-21-2016 06:37 AM

Staying in the Loop

Are you in the loop? Information is power, so we want to stay in the loop. It gives us a feeling of inclusion and belonging, and it also increases our effectiveness and opportunities.

Improve the flow of communication and get the information you need. Stay in the loop and keep others in the loop.

bluidkiti 07-22-2016 06:49 AM

Less Drama, More Calmer

Every now and then we get caught up in life and the drama of it all. For the times when you need a break from it all, try this: Imagine you're watching the drama of your life on TV. As you watch your drama, slowly begin to step back from it all.

Become more of an observer of the drama in your life, and you'll start to:
- Realize that there is a larger perspective, a bigger storyline, and that you are not defined by the current episode in your life.
- Feel less dramatic, more calm, ready to step out with confidence and curiosity because who knows where the next episode will take you.

bluidkiti 07-23-2016 07:59 AM

July 23

What's Your Agenda?

We all have personal agendas. They inform everything we do. But often we ourselves are not aware of what they are. So check, why you do, what you do.

Be clear about your own agenda. If it's not what you want it to be, then either drop your agenda or change it to something positive.

bluidkiti 07-23-2016 07:59 AM

July 24

Being A Busy Bee

Now there's nothing wrong with being a busy bee. But as you buzz around, what are you collecting? Things that weigh you down or make you buoyant?

Now just as bees don’t waste their time and energy collecting useless things, be like a bee. Collect what’s useful and stay buoyant.

bluidkiti 07-25-2016 07:22 AM

Free Your Mind

Throughout the day we accumulate lots of information, details and emotions. And when we go to bed, all of these things spin around in our minds while we sleep. No wonder we wake up tired.

What if, at the end of the day, you take a few moments to free your mind from all that you've accumulated through the day? Drop all the unnecessary information. Put aside all the important details, and come back to them tomorrow. Put your emotions on paper, and decide to resolve them at a more convenient time. Finally, ask yourself, what benefit did I take from today? End on a positive note, get a restful sleep and wake up refreshed.

bluidkiti 07-26-2016 06:58 AM

When You Walk

When you walk, instead of combining it with the usual thinking, thinking and thinking, try something different:
- Observe the way you walk. Observe your pace.
- Be aware of the movement of your body. Be aware of how the body feels.
- Notice your surroundings and what’s going on around you.

Observe, notice, and be more aware as you walk, and it might clear your mind and make you more present.

bluidkiti 07-27-2016 06:25 AM

Make More Lists

We make lists, from the never ending to-do list to shopping lists, music playlists, or even a bucket list. It makes sense because lists are simple & create a sense of order. They help us remember things & stay organized, & that makes life a lot easier.

If, like me, you love making lists, make more lists. You can create lists of:
- Your favorite places to visit, favorite foods to eat or cook.
- Your most memorable childhood memories, your most embarrassing moments.
- The best decisions you’ve ever made, the best pieces of advice you’ve ever received.

bluidkiti 07-28-2016 06:31 AM

Be Like Grass

Just as grass grows back after mowing or grazing, be like grass and keep growing, no matter what.

And just as grass adapts to the different seasons, be like grass and adapt. In summer, let everything facilitate your growth. In autumn, just as the trees and the leaves contrast the grass, let others complement your potential. In winter, when nothing seems to be happening, rest and regroup, so you are ready for the next burst of energy that comes with spring.

Grow and adapt to life's changing seasons like grass.

bluidkiti 07-29-2016 06:43 AM

Have A Go

Do you have the confidence to turn your hand to whatever is thrown at you? Or do you only do things when you’re absolutely certain you can do them?

Why not have a go at things you've never explored or done before, or even tasks you think you may not be good at. If it doesn't turn out as expected, cut yourself some slack and give yourself permission to make mistakes. If you do better than you expected, feel good about yourself.

Have the confidence to have a go. Give it a go and you may just end up gaining more confidence.

bluidkiti 07-30-2016 07:24 AM

July 30

Unplugging Your Expectations

Expecting the best of others is definitely a better option than the alternative.

But when people don’t live up to your expectations, how do you react? Now, you can't expect people to fit into your expectations, can you? Unplug from your expectations and accept people as they are. If need be, readjust your expectations to something more reasonable and realistic.

Expect the best of others but relate and interact with them as they are rather than how you want them to be.

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