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bluidkiti 08-15-2013 03:47 AM

Wanna Be A Pumpkin?
Author Unknown

A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is it like to be a Christian?"

The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from
the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then he
cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the
seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc., and then He carves you a new
face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to

This was passed on to me from another pumpkin. Now, it is your turn to
pass it to a pumpkin. I liked this enough to send it to all the
in my patch.


P is for the People that Jesus came to save
U is for the Unconditional love to each one He gave
M is for the Message that we should all be sharing
P is for the Priceless gift God above showed he is caring
K is for the King of Kings
I is for the Insight He brings
N is for the Nails in His hands
S is for our Savior who gave His life so that we could stand.

So when you see a pumpkin don't think about some guy named Jack.
Instead remember Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, who is one day coming

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