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MajestyJo 12-02-2015 07:18 PM

Topic of the week, words beginning with "F"
F is for Faith. Belief in the unknown and the unseen. Faith that in what has worked in the past, will continue to work in today, if you do the leg work and continue to do the do things that got to where you are in today. Faith in the "WE" and knowing that with God, all things are possible. Having faith in His workers, messengers, angels, be they earth or heavenly, and know that they have been divinely inspired.

This angel card will change daily.

MajestyJo 12-02-2015 07:21 PM

F is for False Evidence Appearing Real. So much of our past, we are sure it is the truth and we swear by it, only to find that it was an illusion, an old tape, or something taken out of context, or someone else's concept, which they projected onto you, and it was their truth, and wasn't really your truth to take on. That is a meaning of Fear. Often is how we feel about something and it keeps us bound in fear, fearful of moving forward, when in truth, we need to let go, look to our God, and walk in faith and trust in Him.

Fear not, God is with you. If He bring you to it, He will see you through it. Reach out to God and turn that fear into faith.

bluidkiti 12-03-2015 02:55 AM

FEAR = Face Everything and Recover!

FINE = Frantic, Insane, Nuts and Egotistical

FAITH = Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him

FAITH = Fear Ain't In This House

MajestyJo 12-04-2015 10:22 PM

F is for Fuel. We need fuel for our body, mind, and spirit. We need to fill ourselves up so we have something to share with others, instead of running on fumes and burning out.

MajestyJo 12-05-2015 05:03 PM

F is for First Things First. First and foremost is my recovery. If I don't stay clean and sober, I can't be there for anyone else, if I can't be there for myself. I have to put my recovery first, even before my family.

MajestyJo 12-06-2015 11:10 AM

F is for Fight the Good Fight. I am not sure, but I think this is associated with The Salvation Army. We fight our demons every day with the help of the God of our understanding. One of my favourite quotes, "Put on the whole armour of God." Do I put up a good battle, or do I just let things get me down, and forget to go to The Source for the Power, because I am powerless in and of myself.

dwmoeller 12-07-2015 01:28 PM

F is for Find.

Find the courage to change the things you can.

Find the serenity to accept others.

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