With this problem many of us have this sense that we don't quite belong to this world, we're like square pegs in a round hole that never can fit in no matter how hard any of us tries to. The isolation that comes from having this problem was unbearable from most of us and none of us knew what we could do about it. After we all come into recovery this seems to have magically disappeared only to return later on for most of us and it's common enough that it does. This has to do with all of us who have this problem trying to be like the rest of the world that doesn't, and as long as we try to do this is when none of us are going to be able to belong to anything. It is in recovery that all of us with this problem are able to get the sense that we belong and as long as we don't try to be like the rest of this world we'll have that. Later on in recovery for most of us we end up realizing that we're glad we're not of this world.