What we all have in common with each other and what brings all of us together will be so confusing to all of us in the beginning of our recovery because there are so many different paths that all of us have taken and lot's of different ways to get here that have brought all of us together. What we will all come to understand the longer any of us are here that it's clearly something else that we all do have in common with everyone else who is here in recovery, but none of us can put on finger on exactly what that is when we're new even though we all know that there is something and may not even like that there is. But we're all in this together now and it is from this fact that all of us are able to draw the needed strength that each of us needs that none of us have on our own. Why this actually happens is not really understood by all of us who are in recovery and by everyone else outside of recovery as well. It really makes no sense what happens to all of us here in recovery which has worked for millions of us. And even more perplexing than this for everyone, is where does this strength come from and why does it flow into each one of us when we're all here together with one purpose in mind of helping each other. All that can be said is that we know that this does happen and we're all very grateful that it does because without this there's nothing left for any of us and nowhere else we can all go to get the needed strength that we all need that's found right here in recovery.