Looking For The Good Times
At one time for all of us things were good because of what we all had found that made things that way for all of us, but then things changed and that no longer works for any of us and we're all left trying to figure out what to do next. Recovery is one thing that all of us can do if we want to, and what we'll all find if we do is that the good times for all of us are ahead of us not behind us like we all think when we get into recovery. For most of us what we thought was good for us before coming to recovery turned out not to be, and what all of us think won't be good for us when we get here proves to be far better for us then anything we have ever experienced before or would have ever dreamed of. This happens for anyone who is in recovery and doing the things that it suggest that we do for the reason that this solves what's wrong with all of us that none of us know about and when that happens to all of us no matter what's going on from that point forward things will always be good for us because we all know that this has happened for us. This is a way to live life that's beyond belief for any of us, but will only be known by those of us who are willing to do what it takes to get this and all of us can have this for ourselves if we're willing to do the things recovery says for us to do, and then we'll have it, it that simple for anyone to have. The only question that remains for anyone is do we want this, and of course the answer for all of us is, yes we do.