The Experts
There are no guru's. No one person that's in charge, or anyone for us to put on a pedestal as being better than the rest of us. In an absolute sense there are no experts here in recovery, only those who came before us when we all arrived at being here. The experts that are to be found everywhere else, are not here in recovery, and there is a good reason for that and we'll learn all about this as we all discover what being in recovery is and is not. That panel of experts we were all looking for when we all got here doesn't exist; only those who suffer from the same thing that we are now suffering with have been the ones who can help any of us who do suffer. Before recovery and after it's been around many of us have tried all kinds of other ways to find relief but even today the mutual aid we find in recovery still proves still to be the best and surest way out there. It's nice to be an expert in something but as far as it goes for all of us who suffer from this it does us little good .We can know everything there is to know about this and still die from having it. This happens to a lot of us even today. What has and what will always save all of us from that happening to us is us taking certain actions we all need to be taking so that it doesn't, and we'll all need to see someone who is taking them for all of us to know that it will be better for us, if we took them ourselves. We all need someone who will show us what to do.