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Old 09-05-2013, 12:06 PM   #9
bluidkiti's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 75,253

September 6

Daily Reflections

. . . . except when to do so would injure them or others. . . .

Step Nine restores in me a feeling of belonging, not only to the
human race but also to the everyday world. First, the Step makes
me leave the safety of A.A., so that I may deal with non-A.A.
people "out there," on their terms. It is a frightening but
necessary action if I am to get back into life. Second, Step Nine
allows me to remove threats to my sobriety by healing past
relationships. Step Nine points the way to a more serene sobriety
by letting me clear away past wreckage, lest it bring me down.

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Twenty-Four Hours A Day

A.A. Thought For The Day

Another of the mottoes of A.A. is "Live and Let Live." This, of
course, means tolerance of people who think differently than we do,
whether they are in A.A. or outside of A.A. We cannot afford the
luxury of being intolerant or critical of other people. We do not
try to impose our wills on those who differ from us. We are not
"holier than thou." We do not have all the answers. We are not better
than other good people. We live the best way we can and we allow
others to do likewise. Am I willing to live and let live?

Meditation For The Day

"And this is life eternal, that we may know Thee, the only true
God." Learning to know God as best you can draws the eternal life
nearer to you. Freed from some of the limitations of humanity, you
can grow in the things that are eternal. You can strive for what
is real and of eternal value. The more you try to live in the
consciousness of the unseen world, the gentler will be your passing
into it when the time comes for you to go. This life on earth should
be largely a preparation for the eternal life to come.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may live each day as though it were my last. I pray
that I may live my life as though it were everlasting.

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As Bill Sees It

We Need Outside Help, p.248

It was evident that a solitary self-appraisal, and the admission of
our defects based upon that alone, wouldn't be nearly enough.
We'd have to have outside help if we were surely to know and admit
the truth about ourselves--the help of God and of another human

Only by discussing ourselves, holding back nothing, only by being
willing to take advice and accept direction could we set foot on the
road to straight thinking, solid honesty, and genuine humility.


If we are fooling ourselves, a competent adviser can see this quickly.
And, as he skillfully guides us away from our fantasies, we are
surprised to find that we have few of the usual urges to defend
ourselves against unpleasant truths. In no other way can fear,
pride, and ignorance be so readily melted. After a time, we realize
that we are standing firm on a brand-new foundation for integrity,
and we gratefully credit our sponsors, whose advice pointed the

1. 12 & 12, p.59
2. Grapevine, August 1961

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Walk In Dry Places

Change is sometimes necessary
Despite the fact that many of us live turbulent, chaotic lives, we may
find in sobriety that we don't like change. This causes us to seek
our security in familiar places, rather than reach out for the unknown
that lies ahead.
This may not be real security, however, because familiar places and situations
also change. Our resistance to change may simply be the fear of trying
something new.
If we find that fear of change is causing us to put up with a situation that's
become unsatisfactory, we need to adjust our attitude toward it.
While we view change as risky, it may be the necessary route for
improvement. Let's start by simply accepting the idea that change is
sometimes necessary. After that, we can expect our Higher Power to guide
us to the new situations that are right for us.
Today I may find myself fearing change. I'll remind myself that
nothing ever stays the same, and that only change can bring the true good
I'm always seeking.

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Keep It Simple

Addiction is answering the spiritual calling inside us by going to the wrong address.
---Chris Ringer
Where can we go to feel better, to feel spiritually alive? Not to alcohol or
other drugs. Not to compulsive spending, gambling, or sex. Not to overeating
or overworking. When we turn to these things to feel better, we’re trading
one addiction for another, we’re going to the “wrong address.”
What is the right address? Our inner needs. Our Higher Power. Our recovery
program. Our friends. Soon, we become part of a network of “safe addresses.”
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, keep me on the right path. I don’t want to
go to the wrong address anymore.
Action for the Day: Today, I’ll make sure I have at least three “right address”
in my wallet or purse. I’ll list names and day and evening phone numbers of
people who will love and help.

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Each Day a New Beginning

We can build upon foundations anywhere if they are well and firmly laid. --Ivy Compton-Burnett
Recovery is a process, one that rebuilds our lives. And the Twelve Steps provide
the foundation to support our growth as healthy, productive women. But each Step
must be carefully and honestly worked, or the whole foundation will be weakened.
How lucky we are to have found this program and the structure it offers. We looked
for structure in our past. We searched, maybe for years, running from one panacea to
another, hoping to find ourselves. Booze--pills--food--lovers--causes; none gave us
the security we longed for. We couldn't find ourselves because we hadn't defined
ourselves. At last we've come home. Self-definition is the program's guarantee.
Not only can we discover who we are, now, but also we can change, nurture those
traits that we favor, diminish those that attract trouble.
My actions today are the key. They tell who I am at this moment. Who I become
is up to me. I will pick a Step and reflect before I move ahead. The strength of my
foundation depends on it.

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Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition


Besides a seeming inability to accept much on faith, we often found ourselves handicapped by obstinacy, sensitiveness, and unreasoning prejudice. Many of us have been so touchy that even casual reference to spiritual things make us bristle with antagonism. This sort of thinking had to be abandoned. Though some of us resisted, we found no great difficulty in casting aside such feelings. Faced with alcoholic destruction, we soon became as open minded on spiritual matters as we had tried to be on other questions. In this respect alcohol was a great persuader. It finally beat us into a state of reasonableness. Sometimes this was a tedious process; we hope no one else will prejudiced for as long as some of us were.

pp. 47-48

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Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

Step Ten - "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."

When evening comes, perhaps just before going to sleep, many of us draw up a balance sheet for the day. This is a good place to remember that inventory-taking is not always done in red ink. It's a poor day indeed when we haven't done something right. As a matter of fact, the waking hours are usually well filled with things that are constructive. Good intentions, good thoughts, and good acts are there for us to see. Even when we have tried hard and failed, we may chalk that up as one of the greatest credits of all. Under these conditions, the pains of failure are converted into assets. Out of them we receive the stimulation we need to go forward. Someone who knew what he was talking about once remarked that pain was the touchstone of all spiritual progress. How heartily we A.A.'s can agree with him, for we know that the pains of drinking had to come before sobriety, and emotional turmoil before serenity.

pp. 93-94

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Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an
understanding of ourselves.
--Carl Jung

During his lifetime, an individual should devote his efforts to creating
happiness and enjoy it.

"It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to
--Madeline Bridges

Understanding a person does not mean condoning; it only means
that one does not accuse him as if one were God or a judge placed
above him.
--Erich Fromm


Father Leo's Daily Meditation


"The only thing we have to fear
is fear itself."
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Fear is a killer. It is a killer because it drains us of life, energy and
creativity. Fear petrifies the human spirit.

I spent a lot of yesterdays afraid. Afraid of people finding out. Afraid
of the telephone. Afraid of where it would all end. Afraid of me! I did
not realize that I was feeding the fear with my behavior. I drank
myself into fear. The day I stopped drinking alcohol was the day I
stopped giving energy to my fear.

Today I live my life without abnormal or unrealistic fears. Today I
enjoy my life. I work through my problems. I am not afraid of my
shadow. Today I love me.

Lord may I always connect my unrealistic fears with my behavior
-- and begin the change.

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"I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give
them gladness for sorrow."
Jeremiah 31:13

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out
weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying
sheaves with him.
Psalm 126:5-6

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Daily Inspiration

In everything imitate God and you will come to know Him better and better.
Lord, I ask Your help to come close to You in my thoughts and bring Your love to this earth.

If you are prepared to die, you will also be prepared to live.
Lord, You have given me life and made ready the Kingdom of Heaven. I dedicate myself to You.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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